The Star
The Star card is a powerful, spiritual card that tells me your soul is bursting with curiosity and magic. You may even enjoy being starry-eyed and easily fall head over heels for someone. Unfortunately, you’ve become overwhelmed with life’s challenges, including money troubles, insecurity, loneliness, and the world’s expectations–you’ve lost touch with the hope that once carried you through everything.
I believe life has taught you many deep and meaningful lessons. But if you willingly give up your dreams and settle for stark realities, you will lose the parts of you that are most attractive–the very essence of your personality that your soulmate will fall in love with. Never let life rob you of the fairytale ending that you deserve.
Your biggest blockage right now is faith–you struggle to believe that the one who is just for you is even real. Well let me tell you, they are! But doubt can be a hard thing to overcome, especially if you’ve been hurt. Nurture the parts of you that once daydreamed about your perfect person. The part of you that believes in true love.
This card tells me you struggle with confrontation and find it hard to say what’s on your mind or how you really feel. In a relationship, it’s unfair to leave your partner guessing. Communication is critical to having your needs met and giving the relationship a chance to flourish.
I see that many aspects of your life are actually heading in a very prosperous direction while your love life is still struggling. It’s time to reconnect with what’s really important to you, finding your soulmate and experiencing the best chapter of your life.
Very different from the other Major Arcana Tarot cards, the Star card speaks of your destiny. Being a partner and spouse is a big part of your purpose and soul’s journey. This isn’t something to be ignored. But this begs the question, what are you doing about it? Your special someone won’t magically appear without you taking action to find them.
When you overcome these blocks, you will energetically attract your soulmate because you will be aligned with what it is you really want. Don’t hesitate, the time for love is now!