An Intimate Soulmate Reading for [NAME] Born on [DOB]... You’ll Be SHOCKED At What It Says!!
Sometimes being single and “free” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, am I right, [NAME]?
You want an intimate personal connection with a significant other, something that’s passionate and filled with excitement.
Maybe you’re tired of being on your own, [NAME], with no one to create a meaningful connection with...
You want someone to share your life with - the ups and downs, the peaks and valleys.
After all, a life lived alone is a life half-lived.
You may feel that you’re STUCK… in an endless cycle of being single.
But 2021 is a powerful year, my dear [NAME]... because you see, there’s been a dramatic shift in our planets
In 2020, Venus, the planet of love, partnerships, and beauty went retrograde (moved backwards from our perspective here on earth). Many issues in these areas are likely to have cropped up for you at the time; relationships going awry, partnerships that were not meant to be, or simply a complicated love life.
Now, Venus is brazenly moving ever forward, inspiring us to take leaps in our relationships and form more meaningful connections.
And as a result, more and more spiritual women and men are taking ACTION to find more fulfilling relationships!
This means realizing what it is you want in a relationship to manifest the type of connection that you TRULY DESIRE.
Luckily, I’ve been conducting intimate LOVE readings for over 2 decades, [NAME], along with my deep knowledge in astrology and how it interconnects in all of life.
And one of the most powerful ways astrology connects us all, is in love and relationships, [NAME]...

Knowing your sun sign and its attributes is very powerful when it comes to soulmate readings, [NAME]! The sun represents your personality as a whole. Know thyself, as the saying goes. Once you’re well aware of how you operate - your mindset, your strengths and weaknesses, your outlook on life - it all comes together, and your relationships thrive for it.
However, everyone has some area of their relationship that can be improved upon. Whether it’s financially-based, revolves around sex, or is simply trust issues, there’s always an aspect that tends to nag at the back of the mind.

This is certainly a challenge that you must break through to become a match for your one true soulmate. The good news is, you can do it! No undertaking is too big in the name of love. Every sacrifice is worth finding your one true soulmate.

Meeting new people can be challenging, depending on how introverted or extroverted you are, [NAME]. Either way, you must go out on a limb if you want to find your soulmate amongst all the fish in the sea. Trust that there is one true match out there, and they’re waiting for YOU, [NAME].
You Have All The Power To Command An Amazing Relationship [NAME], And With These New Skills You’ll See It Materialize Almost Overnight!
Someone once said that anything worth keeping is worth working for. There are various ways you can attract a soulmate to you.
Here are some important tips if you’re currently not in a relationship:
- Confidence is power. You may find that when you don’t feel confident, it can be impossible to build meaningful relationships. It’s time to step up to the plate and embrace your willpower. Channel the intense energy deep within your stomach and feel it wash over you. Making decisions from this state is much easier.
- Know your strengths and weaknesses. Once we own up to this, we can start working on ourselves with the intention of becoming the best partner we can be.
- Jotting down the qualities you’d like in a partner can help you attract that person to you.
- Notice who you surround yourself with. Are these people helpful to your growth, or are they toxic, [NAME]? Open yourself up to more meaningful connections that support you in every way.
- Plan out fun dates that are exciting and fulfilling to both parties. You don’t need to overthink this - let the ideas come organically!
Remember that you are here, on earth, to experience a whole range of emotions and experiences. Yes, this includes the happy and the sad! However, you can attract more happiness in your life and find your ideal mate by making adjustments and realizing your true potential.
We Haven’t Even Scratched The Surface My Dear, Just Imagine What You Can Do With All The Most Effective Skills At Your Disposal...
I only had a few moments to put this short mini reading together for you [NAME].
And yet, I think you’ll agree it’s been pretty helpful so far wouldn’t you say?
Now just imagine how amazing my full soulmate readings are. It’s my true purpose and calling, and I absolutely LOVE receiving and sharing them with other kind souls wanting and demanding more out of their love life.
You deserve more too, [NAME].
I felt it clearly in my energy session this morning.
A strong wave of bright energy swept over me, calling out for [NAME] to start attracting their soulmate into their life.
And I’m here to help you do just that, right now!
An Intimate Soulmate Reading for [NAME] Born on [DOB]... You’ll Be SHOCKED At What It Says!!
Sometimes being in a relationship isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, am I right [NAME]?
You want an intimate personal connection with your significant other, something that’s passionate and filled with excitement.
But after time goes on, all you’re left with is a dull routine filled with the same TV shows, the same meals… day after day, week after week, year after year!
Or maybe it’s worse, and you spend a lot of your time fighting with your significant other.
Which leads to stress, and anger, and just a harder time living to your fullest potential as a happy, healthy and successful [GENDER]
The saddest part of all is, so many people stay trapped in these types of relationships for years because they are afraid to leave and be alone.
So they stay, STUCK… in an endless cycle.
But 2021 is a powerful year, my dear [NAME]... because you see, there’s been a dramatic shift in our planets
In 2020, the planet of love, partnerships, and beauty went retrograde (moved backwards from our perspective here on earth). Many issues in these areas are likely to have cropped up for you at the time; relationships going awry, partnerships that were not meant to be, or simply a complicated love life.
Now, Venus is brazenly moving ever forward, inspiring us to take leaps in our relationships and form more meaningful connections.
And as a result, more and more spiritual women and men are taking ACTION to better their relationships, and their lives!
For some, it means walking away from a dead end relationship that you know deep down will never be what you TRULY DESIRE.
For others, it means they work to make it what it can be, and once was…
Luckily, I’ve been conducting intimate LOVE readings for over 2 decades, [NAME], along with my deep knowledge in astrology and how it interconnects in all of life.
And one of the most powerful ways astrology connects us all, is in love and relationships, [NAME]...

Knowing your sun sign and its attributes is very powerful when it comes to soulmate readings, [NAME]! The sun represents your personality as a whole. Know thyself, as the saying goes. Once you’re well aware of how you operate - your mindset, your strengths and weaknesses, your outlook on life - it all comes together, and your relationships thrive for it.
However, [NAME], everyone has some area of their relationship that can be improved upon. Whether it’s financially-based, revolves around sex, or is simply trust issues, there’s always an aspect that tends to nag at the back of the mind.

This is a common issue in a relationship, [NAME]. You are certainly not alone in dealing with this hardship. Being in a relationship often leads to compromises that may not be fair or acceptable to one or both partners.
Since this reading is all about how you can better your relationship on both sides of the equation, it’s necessary to assess your partner’s traits and see where there may be some room for improvement. So...

You Have All The Power To Command An Amazing Relationship [NAME], And With These New Skills You’ll See It Materialize Almost Overnight!
Someone once said that anything worth keeping is worth working for. There are various ways you can strengthen your soulmate bond, or attract a soulmate to you if that’s what you’re looking for.
Here are some important tips, whether you’re currently in a relationship or not:

Confidence is power. You may find that when you don’t feel confident, it can be impossible to build meaningful relationships. It’s time to step up to the plate and embrace your willpower. Channel the intense energy deep within your stomach and feel it wash over you. Making decisions from this state is much easier.

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Once we own up to this, we can start working on ourselves with the intention of becoming the best partner we can be.

Jotting down the qualities you’d like in a partner can help you attract that person to you.

Notice who you surround yourself with. Are these people helpful to your growth, or are they toxic, [NAME]? Open yourself up to more meaningful connections that support you in every way.

Plan out fun dates that are exciting and fulfilling to both parties. You don’t need to overthink this - let the ideas come organically!
You are here, on earth, to experience a whole range of emotions and experiences. Yes, this includes the happy and the sad! However, you can attract more happiness in your life by making adjustments and realizing your true potential.
We Haven’t Even Scratched The Surface My Dear, Just Imagine What You Can Do With All The Most Effective Skills At Your Disposal...
I only had a few moments to put this short mini reading together for you [NAME].
And yet, I think you’ll agree it’s been pretty helpful so far wouldn’t you say?
Now just imagine how amazing my full soulmate readings are. It’s my true purpose and calling, and I absolutely LOVE receiving and sharing them with other kind souls wanting and demanding more out of their love life.
You deserve more too, [NAME].
I felt it clearly in my energy session this morning.
A strong wave of bright energy swept over me, calling out for [NAME] to take back their power and start experiencing more love, more happiness and more excitement with their partner.
And I’m here to help you do just that, right now!